
Showing posts from November, 2017

Spanish Made Easy - Learn Seasons, Days of the week, Months in Spanish!

Hola amigos! So in this post, I shall be concentrating on the vocabulary part. It's very important for you to remember this section so that you can build up on your essays and letter writing vocabulary. ALWAYS remember. The more the vocabulary & tenses you use for your letters, the better you score. Quantity is overrated. So let's begin! In Spanish, the four seasons of the year are: el invierno — winter la primavera — spring el verano — summer el otoƱo — autumn or fall. Days Of The Week: lunes (loo-nays) - Monday martes  (maar-tays)- Tuesday miĆ©rcoles (mee-yer-co-lays) - Wednesday jueves (Hoo-vay-ves) - Thursday Viernes (vee-yer-nes) - Friday sĆ”bado (sa-ba-dow) - Saturday domingo (do-min-go)- Sunday Points to remember: Days of the week are always masculine. Also, they aren't capitalized. Plural form doesn't change. Verb SER is used to express the day. Examples: 1. ¿QuĆ© dĆ­a es hoy? What da

Spanish Made Easy - Learn How to Talk about the weather/ climate in Spanish!

Hola amigos, A quick guide for an understanding of phrases and conversations relating to the weather/climate. So when you're talking to somebody, let's say you're speaking to a friend from Spain and you're discussing about the weather in your respective countries. There are different set of verbs you will conjugate here namely, Hacer and Estar. Both mean " to do" and "to be" respectively. Now this verb "Estar" has another name in Spanish with the same meaning. That verb is called "Ser". Both these verbs mean "to be". But there are vast differences between the both, that many people fail to distinguish, Also, they fail to understand where it's usually applied. I shall make a separate post for this using lucid language so that you're able to comprehend it rather in an informal language. So for this post you need to remember the following verbs : 1. Hacer - to do/ to make. 2. Estar - to be.

WHY you should know swear words in Spanish and WHICH ones!

Hola amigos, So today, I shall talk about swear words! Swear words are rather considered as a taboo in this world for teaching or learning any language, may it be English or Spanish! So why learn SWEAR words? We all use them, whether you accept it or not, in your mind or verbally. According to the Harvard linguist, in addition to verbal abuse, swear words have a variety of other important uses, including to add emphasis, to convey emotion, to find relief from pain, and quite importantly, to connect people in a relaxed social atmosphere. As we’ll talk more about below, to use swear words in a spoken language demands a high degree of understanding, cultural sensitivity, and caution. But there’s no better time to start learning than right now. Furthermore, you might even come across situations when you're out on a trip where you could easily be harassed by somebody if you wouldn't know what they would be talking about. Such situations should certainly

Spanish Made Easy - Adverbs!

Hola amigos, ¿Como estaĆ­s? Today I shall talk about ADVERBS! So what exactly are A dverbs ? An adverb is a word that describes - or modifies, as grammarians put it - a verb, an adjective or another adverb. A verb is an action word (jump, run, swim, ski, fish, talk) An adjective is a descriptive word that describes a noun (pretty, happy, silly, sunny) A noun is a person, place or thing (boy,cat, dad) For example: He runs quickly. She walks slowly.  He talks happily.. Just to make it more specific and clear, I shall divide these adverbs in different sections to make it easier: 1. Adverbs of Place. 2. Adverbs of Manner. 3. Adverbs of Frequency. 4. Adverbs of Time. Adverbs of Place here - aquĆ­ (AA- KEE) there - alli (aa-yee) over there - aquel (a-keyl)(Somewhere far away, but nearby. For example pointing out someone who is sitting far away from you in your class) Inside - Dentro Outside -Fuera Up/above -

Spanish Made Easy - Concept of verbs - Part 2.

Hola amigos!  Como estaĆ­s? (How are you all?) So today I shall continue with the IR & ER verbs. In the previous post, part 1, I spoke about how the "tail" of the verb is modified as you go on further to conjugate the verb. And boom. We're going to do the same with rest of them three. The only thing you need to do is, remember these tail modifiers given below exactly as per the formats.  Example of an AR verb: Lets take "Trabajar (Tra-baa-haar)". Which means to work. So as per the conjugations mentioned in the "AR" column above, I'll say: Yo habl o (I speak) Tu habl as (you speak) El habl a /Ella Habla / ustd habla (He speaks, she speaks, you speak(formal) Nosotros habl amos (We speak) Vosotros hab ais (You'll speak)  Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes. habl an (They speak, They speak, Youll speak) Note: Ellos - Masculine, Ellas - Feminine  Still confused ?   Let's move on to example of E

Basic phrases/conversations in Spanish that you MUST know!

Hola amigos, So definitely you're excited to start speaking in Spanish!  The phrases mentioned in this post are the ones that you must always remember while you're engaging in a conversation with your teacher/ friends. Whether you're conversing with a native speaker, or a friend, what matters the most, is your pronunciations. Why I keep repeating this point, because it sounds good to the listener / your examiner. This section will help you improve you vocabulary for basic conversations, letter writing. oral examinations. So just to make it easier for you, I shall divide the sections into different categories as per the situations: *Note : Always remember to add inverted question marks and exclamation marks before the questions and exclamatory statements. Basic Greetings 1. ¡Hola! - Hello (O-la of Ola Cabs. H is silent). 2. ¡Buenos dias!(Bway-nos- dee-aas) - Good morning! 3. ¡Buenas tardes! -(bway- nos- taar-days) - Good evening! 4.

Learning Spanish made easy - The concept of verbs

Hola amigos, So today I'm going to talk about verbs. I could've easily started started with the basic conversations surely, but they're all over the Internet and are quite easy to mug up, although I'll surely include a few in the next few posts.  I feel basic conversations don't make sense until you know the concepts behind them. How are these sentences formed? The verbs and their conjugations. So what are verbs exactly? Verbs are just the actions you or anybody else carries out in their day to day lives. Let's say, to run, to eat, to play, etc. All these are verbs. In Spanish each and every verb that exists, ends in 3 types always, namely "IR, ER And AR". Examples: An "IR" verb-Vivir - to live. An "AR" verb - Trabajar - to work. An "ER" verb - Comer - to eat. So now here comes the trick. I talk, you talk, He/she talks. We/ you'll talk. They talk. Notice how the &q

How to write a letter in Spanish - Format - Part 3

So guys, here I'll be posting the format for the formal letter writing! Presenting you the MASSIVE 8 POINTS TO REMEMBER AND EXECUTE 1. Addresses of both: The sender & the receiver. The sender: Dr. Alvaro Morata The receiver: Sr. Pablo Diaz 2. Include the date below : For example, today's date : 19 de noviembre de 2017 For letters printed on letterhead, or more casual letters to friends or acquaintances, place the date in the top right-hand corner where you normally would put your name and the address. Formal business letters typically have the date on the left-hand side of the paper below the names and addresses. 3. Subject (Asunto): This step is crucial for both, emails & your letter because you immediately want the reader to understand your message. This is only in the case of formal letters. For example, Asunto : Solicitud de trabajo para el puesto de ejecutivo de marketing (Application for the post of Marketing Executive) 3. In

How to write letters - Part 2 Greetings & Endings

Greetings & Endings .   In letters, there are multiple ways in which you address the concerned person. It's either going to be a formal greeting or an informal one.  In English, it is common to begin both personal & business related letters with "Dear ___." In Spanish, however, there are more variations depending on how formal you’d want to be. In English, as we call it "dear" is querido or querida depending upon the gender of the person. Querido is used for a male & querida for a female; plural forms queridos and querida can also be used. In Spanish, it's a rule to follow the greeting with a colon rather than the comma which we use in English. · Querido Jeet: (Dear Jeet,) · Querida Aahana: (Dear Aahana,) · Queridos Jeet y Aahana (Dear Jeet and Aahana,)  *Note that in Spanish the masculine form, queridos , is used if the recipients include people of both sexes. But querido is too casual f