Spanish Made Easy - Concept of verbs - Part 2.

Hola amigos! 

Como estaís? (How are you all?)

So today I shall continue with the IR & ER verbs. In the previous post, part 1, I spoke about how the "tail" of the verb is modified as you go on further to conjugate the verb. And boom. We're going to do the same with rest of them three. The only thing you need to do is, remember these tail modifiers given below exactly as per the formats. 

Example of an AR verb: Lets take "Trabajar (Tra-baa-haar)". Which means to work.

So as per the conjugations mentioned in the "AR" column above, I'll say:

Yo hablo (I speak)
Tu hablas (you speak)
El habla /Ella Habla / ustd habla (He speaks, she speaks, you speak(formal)
Nosotros hablamos (We speak)
Vosotros habais (You'll speak) 
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes. hablan (They speak, They speak, Youll speak)

Note: Ellos - Masculine, Ellas - Feminine 

Still confused? 

Let's move on to example of ER & IR verbs: (Now refer to the IR column from
the table above)

Verb: Vivir - to live

Yo vivo
Tu vives
El vive
Nosotros vivimos 
Vosotros vivis
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes Viven

And now finally, an example of an ER verb: (Refer to the ER column in the table).

Verb: Comer - to eat

Yo com
Tu comes
El/ella/ud. come
Nosotros comemos
Vosotros comeis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes comen

Hope that's much more clear now!

So there are many more IR, ER & AR verbs that we shall study in the future. These are the basic things you need to remember to understand the concept of speaking/ writing in Spanish. 

And to follow, there would be different conjugations for different tenses.

Like I said, remember that this is the Simple Present Tense/ Habitual tense. It's a habitual thing, you do. Like, you walk, you run, you eat, you jump, you study, you work, you'll speak. etc.

Still skeptical about the concept above?
Always remember. You modify the "TAIL" of the verb by replacing it with the same subject pronoun conjugation from the table given above. In hablar, I removed the "ar" and replaced it according to the subject pronoun conjugation.

And there's no specific reason for why we do this. This is a rule which we shall use/apply  to remember our day to day conversations in Spanish.

Hope this helps.

Later on, I shall talk about the various regular & irregular AR/ER/IR verbs! Always remember irregular verbs involve more modifications and tail changes. I shall be adding many tips and tricks to remember the same.

Adios, mis amigos!


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