Spanish Made Easy - Adverbs!

Hola amigos,

¿Como estaís?

Today I shall talk about ADVERBS!

So what exactly are Adverbs?

An adverb is a word that describes - or modifies, as grammarians put it - a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
  • A verb is an action word (jump, run, swim, ski, fish, talk)
  • An adjective is a descriptive word that describes a noun (pretty, happy, silly, sunny)
  • A noun is a person, place or thing (boy,cat, dad)
For example:
  • He runs quickly.
  • She walks slowly. 
  • He talks happily..

Just to make it more specific and clear, I shall divide these adverbs in different sections to make it easier:

1. Adverbs of Place.
2. Adverbs of Manner.
3. Adverbs of Frequency.
4. Adverbs of Time.

Adverbs of Place

here - aquí (AA- KEE)
there - alli (aa-yee)
over there - aquel (a-keyl)(Somewhere far away, but nearby. For example pointing out someone who is sitting far away from you in your class)
Inside - Dentro
Outside -Fuera
Up/above - Arriba
Below - Debajo (Day-ba-ho)
Anywhere - en cualquier partes.
To the left - A la izquierda (iz-kee-yer-daa)
To the right - A la derecho ( aa laa day-ray-cha)

Adverbs of Manner

Very- Muy
Quite - bastante (baas-taan-tay)
Quickly - rapidamente
Slowly - lentamente
Carefully - cuidadosamente
Hardly - apenas
Together - juntos
Alone - solo
Almost - casi
Fast - rapido
Hard - duro

*NOTE: Do not confuse "quite" with "quiet". Many people get confused over here and jumble up the meanings. "Quiet" refers to tranquility which is itself translated as "tranquilo". Whereas "quite" refers to a fairly significant extent of something (bastante)

Adverbs of Frequency

Always - siempre
Usually - normalmente
Frequently - con frecuencia
Often - a menudo
Sometimes - algunas veces/ a veces
Occasionally - de vez en cuando
Seldom - rara vez
Rarely - rara vez
Never - nunca

Adverbs of Time

Yesterday - ayer (aa-yer)
Today - hoy (oy).
Tomorrow - manaña. (ma-nya-na)
Now - Ahora ( aa-ora).
Then - entonces. (ent-oan-says)
Later - Luego. (luu-way-go)
In the morning - En la manaña
Tonight - esta noche (no-chay)
Last night - anoche
This morning - esta manaña.
Next week - la proxima semana
Already/still - ya
Recently - recientemente (ray-siyen-tay-mentay)
Soon - pronto
Immediately - inmediatamente (in-may-deeya-ta-mentay)
Although - aun/aunque (Aan-kay)
Yet/Still - todavia (toda-Bia)
ago - hace. (Aa-say)
Lately - Ultimamente.

*NOTE: Never confuse "Ultimately" and "Lately" together in Spanish. While Lately is referred as "Ultimamente", Ultimately is referred as "Por ultimo"



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