Basic phrases/conversations in Spanish that you MUST know!

Hola amigos,

So definitely you're excited to start speaking in Spanish!  The phrases mentioned in this post are the ones that you must always remember while you're engaging in a conversation with your teacher/ friends.

Whether you're conversing with a native speaker, or a friend, what matters the most, is your pronunciations. Why I keep repeating this point, because it sounds good to the listener / your examiner.

This section will help you improve you vocabulary for basic conversations, letter writing. oral examinations.

So just to make it easier for you, I shall divide the sections into different categories as per the situations:

*Note: Always remember to add inverted question marks and exclamation marks before the questions and exclamatory statements.

Basic Greetings

1. ¡Hola! - Hello (O-la of Ola Cabs. H is silent).

2. ¡Buenos dias!(Bway-nos- dee-aas) - Good morning!

3. ¡Buenas tardes! -(bway- nos- taar-days) - Good evening!

4. ¡Bienvenido!(bee-en-ven-ee-do) - !Welcome! (To a party/ an occasion)

5. Encantado/a! - Pleased to meet you!

6. Mucho gusto - Nice to meet you!


Small talk

1. Como estas? (Koh-moh-eh-stahs) - How are you?

2. Como te va? (como - tay - baa) - How's it going?

3. Estoy bien, ¡Gracias! (Eh-stoyy- bee-yen - graa-siyaas) - I'm good, thank you.

4. Y tu? (Eee- tu?) - And you?

5. Que tal? (Kay-taal) - What's up?

6. Que pasa? (Kay-pasa) - What's happening?/ What happened? 

7. Que estas haciendo?(Kay-Eh-Stahs- Ah-see-yen-dow) - What are you doing?

8. ¿Como está usted? - How are you? (Formal)

Being Polite

1.¡Gracias! - Thank you.

2. ¡Muchas Gracias! (Moochaas Gra-seeh-yaas)- Thank you very much.

3. ¡De nada! (Day-naada) - You're welcome.

4. ¡Perdone! ( Pair-do-nay) - Excuse me. (To get past someone if you're in a hurry)

5. ¡Discuple! (Dis-kool-pay) - Sorry (If you didn't hear something)

6. ¡Lo siento! (Low-See-yen-toh) - Sorry. (For a mistake)

                       Overcoming Obstacles

1. Puedo ayudarle? (Poo-way-dow ayoo-daar-lay?) - Can I help you?

2. Puede ayudarme? (Poo-way-dow ayoo-daar-may? - Can you help me?

3. ¡Sin Problema!(sin-prob-lay-ma) - No problem.

4. Puede repetirlo? (pwee-day re-pay-teer- low?) - Can you please repeat? 

5. No entiendo - (No en-tee-yen-dow) I do not understand.

6. ¡No sé! (No say) - I don't know.

7. ¡No hablo Español! (No haab-lo espa-nyol) - I do not speak Spanish.

8. Estoy perdido (Eh-stoy payr-dee-do) - I'm lost.

9. Qué significa? (Kay sig-nee-fee-ka) - What does it mean?

10. Puede hablar más despacio, por favor? (Pwe-day hablar mas days-pa-see-yoh) - Can you speak more slowly, please?


1. ¿qué? (Kay) - What?

2. ¿cómo? (Koh-moh) - How?

3. ¿Cuando?(Kwaan-doh) - When?

4. ¿Dónde?(don-day) - Where?

5. ¿Quién?(KEE-YEN) - Who?

6. ¿Por qué? (Pour-kay) - Why?

7. ¿cuál/ cuáles (Ku-waal, Kwaa-lays) - which/ which of these?

8. ¿Cuánto?(Kwaan-toh)- How much?

*Note - Queston words are always written with an accent & with opening/closing marks.

Question examples

1. ¿Como te llamas? (como te yya-mas) - What's your name?  

2. ¿Qué hora es?(Kay hora es" - What is the time?

3. ¿Cuántos años tienes?(kwaan-tos aan-yos tee-ye-nehs) - How old are you?

4.¿ De dónde eres?(day -don-day aee-rays) -Where are you from?

5. ¿ Dónde vives?(don-day Vee-ways) - Where do you stay?

6. ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? (tee-ye-nehs Ermanos/ermanas) - Do you have brothers or sisters?

7. ¿Qué es esto?(kay es es-toh) - What is this?

8. ¿Entiendes?(En-tee'yen-dehs) - Do you understand?

9. ¿Hablas inglés? (Hablaas Eng-lehs)- Do you speak English?

10. ¿Dondé está el baño? (don-day ae-stah el ba-nyoh) - Where is the washroom?

Certain ways of Responding

1. Me llamo (may yamo)- My name is _________ (Informal) 

2. Mi nombre es -(mi nom-brey S) My name is _______ (Formal)

3. Tengo ___ años(tengo ___ ah-nyos). - I am ____ years old.

4. Soy de India (soy day India). - I am from India.

5. Sí (See) - Yes!

6. No. - No.

7. Tal vez (Tal vay-z)- Maybe.

8. Siempre(See-emp-ray) - Always.

9. Nunca - Never.

10. A veces (A vay-says) - Sometimes.

11. Claro - Ofcourse.  

Events/ Occasions

1. ¡Muy bien (MOO-ee bee-yen)! - Well done.

2. ¡Ten cuidad! (Ten koo-ee-daad) - Take care.

3. ¡Felicitaciones(feli-sita-sio-nays)! - Congratulations.

4. ¡Bienvenidos/bienvenidas! (Bee-yen-vay-nee-dos) - Welcome.

5. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!( Fay-lees cump-lee-yaah-nyohs)- Happy birthday!

6. Salud! (Saa-lood) - Cheers!

Saying Goodbye

1. ¡Hasta luego! (Asta Lu-way-go. The H is silent.) - See you later.

2.. ¡Hasta pronto!(Asta pronto. The H is silent) - See you soon.

3..!Hasta manaña! (Asta ma-nyah-na) - See you tomorrow.

4. Adios! (Adee-yos) - Goodbye.

5. ¡Buenas noches! (bu-vays-nas no-chays) - Good night.

If you want to study this topic further with more explanations, you can head on to



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