Spanish Made Easy - Learn Seasons, Days of the week, Months in Spanish!
Hola amigos! So in this post, I shall be concentrating on the vocabulary part. It's very important for you to remember this section so that you can build up on your essays and letter writing vocabulary. ALWAYS remember. The more the vocabulary & tenses you use for your letters, the better you score. Quantity is overrated. So let's begin! In Spanish, the four seasons of the year are: el invierno — winter la primavera — spring el verano — summer el otoño — autumn or fall. Days Of The Week: lunes (loo-nays) - Monday martes (maar-tays)- Tuesday miércoles (mee-yer-co-lays) - Wednesday jueves (Hoo-vay-ves) - Thursday Viernes (vee-yer-nes) - Friday sábado (sa-ba-dow) - Saturday domingo (do-min-go)- Sunday Points to remember: Days of the week are always masculine. Also, they aren't capitalized. Plural form doesn't change. Verb SER is used to express the day. Examples: 1. ¿Qué día es hoy? What da...